Howard Rheingold is a world renown Futurist and in celebration of Howards work in Futurism, Institute For The Future (IFTF) hosted an event that would exhibit both his work as a futurist and his other passion of art creation. For the physical gallery exhibit opening IFTF commissioned a virtual experience.
I invited Howard into his first in-headset creative VR app called TiltBrush and taught him the creation tools. In curating this Virtual exhibit we decided to bring in some images of his 2D artwork and allow him to create virtual sculptures around those. As he created I made sure that the world he was creating would allow visitors to see pathways between all of his art and create a flow of experience.
Tiltbrush Teacher, Creative Director, Curator, UX Design and World Creator: Liza Bender
2D artist, VR sculptures artist: Howard Rheingold
Liza Bender Arts / Liza Bender / Lichen Mind Studio
Possibility Spaces / Possibility Spaces Curiosity Shop
Future Curious Brand / Future Curious Clothing
Compact Lifestyle
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